BBQ @ Sergio's

Left to right clock-wise: Paula Martí, Paula Serrano, Marta "Sobri", Me, Sergio, Barce, María gf of Alberto and Alberto.
Picture from the Camera of Paula Serrano, as always ;-)
Search 4 appartment in Paris
As I promised, I was going to write about the odyssey, that it is to find an appartment in Paris, and Im not only talking about how expensive it is, but how difficult to:
- Find the correct person
- Find the correct place
- Find the correct moment
- Find the correct words so that they understand your french
- Find the way they want you to pay (looks like bank transfer does not appear in the french dictionary)
I think I finally found the answer to all those bullet-points, or at least thats what the contract I brought back home says (ok it says it in french but I hope it does mean what i think it says)
The 3 days I passed in Paris this week, where kinda dull. To start I was alone (yeah nobody bothered coming to visit me, snif snif... heheheh!!!)
Then it was the hottest Europe over the past few years (Paris: 60 deaths due to the heat, and 39ºC or 102ºF), and I walked all over Paris trying to satisfy my needs of a place to sleep, next year. I ended up with blisters in my toes and stiffness in my legs. But luckily I managed to find what I was looking for, however I didnt do much tourism, well I will obviously have 1 whole year to visit the Eiffel Tower I guess...
Today Im actually very tired, yesterday we had another BBQ @ Sergio's, and I came back at 4am, good job Im on holiday cause today monday, I woke up at 14:30 and Im ready to take a siesta now...
Enjoy the pix!
A bientôt!
The Pictures are from Anna (Swedish friend), Last August when she, Miguel, Jun, Marie, Sebas and Stefan (who isnt in the picture) came to my place, as a representation of the Sunvilla-Crowd, just so that u get the idea of how cute Javea is.
Before Paris Trip... (part 2)
Hey Guys!!!
Im really really sorry for this late update, I should have written something over the past days, and Ive got so many things to tell... that I will need more than 1 whole day to write them... Anyway as it is friday, Im gonna talk about what I did last saturday... (yeah I know sounds terribly out of date) so once again I want u to excuse my delay.
However what I gotta type was really funny (even bizarre). I went with my friend Sergio with my car to visit Jose in his appartment in Javea, a really cute village, in the beach, around one hour from Valencia to the south (Actually it is part of the province of Alicante).
Every summer we used to go the 3 of us. As Jose had just come back from his year to China, we finally met the 3 "Tridis", (thats how we call ourselves), together... and the outcome was, indescribable hehehe as always. Every year, before Jose had his appartment in the first line of the beach, we used to go to Hotels to do our bear-necessities & private swimming-pools to shower, (well this time that wasnt different hehe). So the night we arrived, we had some pizza for dinner and drunk 2 bottles of red wine between Jose and I, and Serg had some Gin-Tonic. We partied as in the old times...
Mojitos a go-go in the Club... It was Great!!! hehe
The next morning we arrived at 8am to Jose's appartment... with his dad (who had called him at 6am) waiting at the front door... hehehe. His parents are LOVELY people, well his whole family is, I do love them as it was mine. (Oh and of course the outcome was that his dad was partly mad with Jose, but I guess it only last him several minutes hehe as we are all adults now, at least thats what our ID says... hehe). Next day we had a very nice Fideua, and after having a nap in the beach, we finally came back to Valencia... as next morning Sergio worked, and I had to get the plane to Paris... well that'll be tomorrows blog...
A bientot!
3 Days before going to Paris (1st Part)
Bonjour a tout le monde! J'ai un probleme, j'irais tout seul a Paris le lundi. Ok I think you guys can tell that Ive been taking good advantage of my Intensive French classes over the past 2 weeks, unluckily they finish tomorrow. Oh well, but next monday Im going to Paris to search for my new home over the next year. Initially I was intended to travel with my dad, however he has had a sore knee over the past few days, and he yesterday hit his head with the airconditioner, causing him 7 stitches auuuchh that must hurt! So he decided that I should go and find my new appartent slash studio by myself, and thats what Ill do... UNLESS... somebody wants to come with me... Here is the deal: I have a twin room with Breakfast included, in a 4 stars**** Hotel just 500m from Notre Dame, monday to wednesday, any offers? oh this is the web page:
Not much more to tell about my life, every day I search and email at least 10 locateurs but I obviously need to see the place before I make a final decision. Ill try to update my blog before I go to France.
Yaya's Paella '06 & Oliva '05
Back from Total-Relax Vacation
I just came back today from Oliva, the Hotel where we've been going over the last 3 years, oh and I can't wait now for summer '07 to come hehe! Since thursday all my days have been totally hectic:
Wake up, Beach, Lunch, Siesta, Gym, Spa, Dinner, Drink, Bed.
Except for friday when I partied with my classmates yet friends, Pepeto and Hector in Gandia where we had several Rum&Cokes, the rest has not escaped from my auto-established daily routine. However Ive been very "baca" which in Japanese means the same as "capullo" in Spanish, as I forgot my camera @ my place, therefore theres no pics to show u, sooorryyy!! I do have however some pics from last year, ok Im posting one with my brothers Cesar right and Victor (Tito) at the left of the pic, (btw tomorrow is his bday he'll be 19 already!), oh and I have another pic I wanna show, it is from the "Paella" my grandma made a couple of weeks ago... the thing is we had built a new "paellero" (place to make paellas and bbq with roof and space for a big table) last summer, but we hadnt used it to make paellas, not yet, as we dont really know how to make a real Valencian one... so we only cooked bbq's there, anyway my grandma finally showed us how to make the traditional one... it was actually very yummy!Ohhhh and latest newsssssss!!!!!! My best friend Jose, is coming tomorrow back from his year in China at Canton... not even his parents know how many days he is staying or what he is gonna do next... Ill interrogate him and try to find out...
Artaj '04
Wed, just before going on Vacations to the Beach!
I dont have much time now, cause Im gonna go in a minute to have an Ice-Cream at Ramoneta, in La Cañada village, well very probably an horchata (typical Valencian summer drink). Today I just booked my ticket and made the reservation of the hotel where I will be staying from the 24th till the 26th of july in Paris, with my dad, in order to find next years appartment. In addition, tomorrow Im going with my mum, brothers and grandma, to Oliva, which is a town just one hour away from home, and we will be staying in a hotel where we go every summer cause the beach is not at all crowded and she (mum) likes to be relaxed there with the quietness and the spa...
Im gonna continue posting the pics I have inside my hard-drive, this one is just some days before I went to the States to Springfield MO on summer 2004, with my brother Tito, it is one of the few images over the past 2 years where you can see him without a beard (
eh Bizko cm el lateral d Arabia Saudi eh jeje ) u can also see my grandma "yaya" as we call grannys in Valencia just behind us.
Ill be back on monday,
Enjoy life!
ITALY: Campioni del mondo! CONGRATULAZIONI!!!

Yes I guess u all know already, Italy is the New World Champion, so as a football (soccer) fan, I must congratulate them, they might have not played the best football in the tournament (sometimes it was even boring), they are surely not the most sportsmanship team (remember the elbow of De Rossi at the face of the american player), but they have something that all other countries participating would have dreamed: The World Cup.
What Im really sad about, is the good-bye of, very probably one of the best football players in History, who was ejected in extra time for head-butting Materazzi. Ok Im very sure that this Italian player must have said him something very offensive, however no words should make a professional player lose control, and even less, the last game of your life, in the Final of the WC!
Au Revoir Zizou.
Christmas '04-'05
Ok as so many people have asked me to post the pictures I have in my laptop cause I never show them, Ill do it chronologically, this was in Guru, Christmas holiday, when I came back from the States to Valencia to enjoy the Vacation with my family and friends.
Pope is Coming Tomorrow!!!
Friday 7th of July: (1 de enero, 2 de febrero, 3 de marzo 4 de abril, 5 de mayo 6 de junio 7 de julio San Fermín), yes today the Bulls running around chasing pedestrians-Festivals start, already with 7 runners injured; the worst was a guy from NYC who tossed due to the horn of the bull and is now paraplejic, then there's another coming from New Zealand who has needed surgery and the rest had minor wounds from the States and 4 other Spaniards... Anyway, today all the City is closed cause the New Pope is Visiting Valencia tomorrow, so as I have a bbq in Sergio house tomorrow and had no Swimming Trunks, I needed to go downtown to buy some @ El Corte Ingles.
This afternoon Ive been at my dads place, trying to sort out our trip to Paris we need to make in order to rent my appartment, OH I might have forgotten to tell u guys: Im moving to Paris next year yeaaah!!!, to finish my degree, and improve my french. So I better find something before classes start in September. (No need to say this but: u all have a place to stay in Paris starting October ok?)
I think I might just rent a movie tonight and watch it with my mum and grandma, cause Im very tired today.
Descansad tod@s!
I know it is a big contrast with the previous picture posted but it is just so that we remember the ones who arent here anymore, RIP.
2 Days after the Horrible Train Accident
Wednesday 5th of July, we already know who the finalists of the WC will be; Italy v France. Today I went to the Phull's house to have lunch, and I ended up having nice Indian dinner (chicken curry and rice) cooked by Parmi watching the semi-final Portugal against
les bleus, and we chilled out there in his garden. I did enjoy the day although it was totally unproductive, as I did nothing else. Im very sad to what happened 2 days ago in the Metro Line, here in Valencia, apparently the driver had exceeded by doubling the allowed speed limit, and that made the train to crash with the consequences we all know, I do wish a tragedy like this does not happen again anywhere in the world.
Anyway tomorrow I do have stuff to do downtown, so hopefully my brother wont take my car and Ill be able to go to the Polytechnic University and sort out some stuff there.
PS: Sorry for this posting I know it sounds boring, but given the circumstances I cant write anything funnier.