Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thursday 18th Jan


Just to say that the Hundreds of Policemen and Firefighters, and Ambulance the other day, was just a mock or "sham" (I admit I had to look this word up the dictionary hehe!) of a terrorist attack, so nobody worry, French Emergency Units are well prepared!
Didn't do much today, just whole day in the Library (got 2 exams on monday) ohh and I logged on to facebook, if somebody has it, search for Angel in the Network of Springfield MO!
Im gonna post some pics of last semester (party @ my place...!)
angelito.It is right to my left, my Italian friends: 2 Elenas and Fernando

And my other Italian Friend Mattia (who cooked for my friends and I before Christmas a nice Italian Lasagne!)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Mercredi, 17 février 2007

Hi y'all!!!

I just came back last monday from Valencia (this time for good at least until April) I had a wonderful time there, it was sunny, really warm (around 20ºC) and I went shopping with mum (everything was on sale) and had nice Paella next to the beach with my dad. Well the negative side is that I should have studied during those days, but instead profited the company of my family it was a relaxing familiar weekend. Today I just had my Publicity exam... I dont really know if Ill pass this one, cause out of 10 questions Ive got 4 right, 3 not answered and the other 3... I think I can grab something... so itll depend ont he teacher. Btw; I wrote ERASMUS in Bold twice on the Exam, lets hope we have some Positive Discrimination...

Things here in Paris are stiiiill the same: yet still the Christmas Decorations ar
e in Place (come on its already 17th of January dont be soooo lazy!) . All french kids have the same brand of back-packs: "East-pack", however something changed the monotony yesterday in Paris. At around 9pm when I was coming out from the Library, I saw some Police-man running nearly sprinting and as I approached the Sorbonne Plaza I saw around numerous Police cars, around 200 policeman, 3 firefighters, ambulances... suddenly I was inside the: "Do Not Cross" band. Seems to be (although no Policeman wanted to conffirm the theory) that there had been a Call for the Placement of a Bomb just in front of the University, at least thats what all the multitude where commenting, anyway I found nothing on the Internet today, but there where people taking pictures and filming. Even at the entrance of the train station around 500metres away there where 6 policeman "garding" the exit. This morning just before my exam I took a look to see what was going on... but the city was absolutely back to normality, as if I had dreamed everything (luckily there where some friends with me when all this happened if not I would start to question myself about what is real and what isn't!).
Gotta go back to studying, hope u are all doing good!


PS: Picture from Night Before New Years Eve where we partied, left to right: Monra, Choche, me, Ivan and Jaime all from ADE. The so called "Secta" jeje.

PS2: I needed to put this one... Lamb I ate (well actually couldn't finish it) on New Years Eve, Good way to finish 2006, mum made... yummy!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Back in Paris but Tomorrow Back in Valencia!!!

I haven't had time to upload this blog, and now with all the exams coming (I had my first one just 2 hours ago) I dont think Id be able to upload it as much as I want to.
Anyway Im back in Paris (for the time being, Ill explain later). Life here is just as I left it, it is already 10th of January, there's still Christmas Decorations in every corner of Paris, my bank (Im not saying the name) is still a pain in the ass, nobody understands the Human Ressource's teacher (although today everybody aplaude him as it was the last lesson).
Luckily the huge project I had to do with 2 other Erasmus Students is already done... yesterday we went Magda's place (from Poland) and she cooked for us really nice dad-made-meat (It happened to be Gorgeous!!! I even took the remaining back home and had it as lunch today)
Today I had my french exam... bahh no problem with it, and tomorrow Im coming back to Valencia... yes I miss it already, Ive been here not more than 48h and Im already home sick... hehe just kidding!
The fact is that last tuesday I went to the dentist so that they took my wisdom tooth wich was hearting, they gave me time for friday, and took it out, but put me 3 stitches... therefore I gotta go back to Valencia so that they can take the stitches out this friday (it was cheaper to fly back to Valencia rather than going to a Dentist here in Paris) Just 65€ Round-Way ticket!!! Ejem I say this for my Valencian friends "Vagos" it is soooo cheap to come and visit me!
So I will spend a nice and placid weekend back home, with its Sunny 21ºC at midday (as opposed to 8ºC and rain here in Paris) and Ill be able to eat all the Paella and nice Tapas and the beach during the weekend, (Last weekend I could only eat liquids, including veggie soups and mashed potatoes!), and of course enjoy the company of my family in front of the fire of the chimney, and party with my friends (Sergio sin excusas ehh!jejejeje)
Well just for now thats my life, Ill update as soon as possible, gotta show u guys a lot of pictures, including the ones of the visit last monday to Valencia of Shea and Miguel!