1st Week of work
Does anyone feel like you should do something and plan when to start that activity and once you are all ready to begin, then suddenly you feel tired and some other job arises and you just postpone that activity? Well that's more or less what's happening with me these days when I'm ready to start updating my blog. Wish I could promise that a new update is on its way but i just cant, as a very bad excuse comes into mind as soon as im sitting in front of the laptop. Im sorry for my declared fans (Jun & Valentina) and hopefully for my non-declared ones (if any).Ill just give the new news for those of you who dont know it: I started last monday working for Ford!!! In their factory in Valencia. There ill work on my Thesis and continue working until the 30th of june, Im so happy and job is great up to now!
Im posting a picture which is nearly 3 years old, when I went to NYC with Stefan (whom I met in Madrid 2 weekends ago), Cath (with whom I stayed at her place this summer in south-east France) and Sakiko (Sako no news from you whats up?).
More news to come soon, now im going to bed as it is already 23:10 and i wake up at 6:15 every day arghh! Besos

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