Still Alive!!!
Hey there!!!
Sorry, dessole, ho sent, lo siento!!!
Really Really sorry for this tremeeeeeendously late reply... its been exactly 3 months and 1 days since my last update and that was still in 2007........ woow it has rained a lot (and snowed, well obviously not in Valencia but it has in other parts; I guess :-P)
During these 3 past months, I have been with my Famille-Erasmus from Paris in Amsterdam, as I mentioned in my last update, I have turned 25 (yes 1/4 of my life already passed) Hey I do keep my health and sometimes (sometimes just) work out and undergo "dry-weekends", so adding the advances of science and life expectation, why not think I'll (We'll) reach 100 years old?
I have failed (Yes I failed ooh nooo) my last exam before graduation... gotta re-sit beginning july, at least things are going good at Ford, where I not only do my Final Thesis, but another project I suggested, which is the development of a software application, anyway without getting into detail (as Im not an I.T. Engineer) my task is to understand the actual process and try to coordinate the requirements of the actual users with the specifications that the Analysts can perform... yeah yeah who's lost? haha anyway it is funnier than it sounds ;-)
Other than that, 2 weeks ago we had Fallas celebration, where I had the visit of my friend Gonzalo from Madrid and the surprise visit of Fernando "Bacco" from Milan, (actually from Ascoli), the 3 of us stayed at Rita's house and Ana Villalba joined for one night, so in a way it was another Paris-Erasmus night however with sangría this time...
Lastly I got the chance to go with my old friends Jose & Sergio "Tridis" to Norway during 5 days... that was an amaziiiing trip!!! Tell u more next update which wont be long!!
Promise. I will post pictures thousands of pictures as soon as I understand how Picasa from other users sharing works...
Now I must go to bed 23:55 and wake up at 6:30am yukk

Besos 2 Everybody!!!
tu veux mettre à jour ou pas?
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