Mid November... COLD!!!
How's it going at that side of the World?
(This comment obviously implies that there's somebody else apart from my home country reading this blog hehe, I could be wrong though!)
Guess you all realized immediately, that the picture of my previous post, is fake... yes my friend Samuel L. Jackson is actually made of wax (heyy but nobody is perfect right?).
Im afraid there's not a lot of news to provide, as my life these days is reaaally dull (not boring eh!). I attended last week a 3 day seminar on Problem-Solving Techniques and this week I should apply my newly learned knowledge into practice, lots of work but motivated to do so!
Oh tonight the soccer team we made is playing against the team who is second (out of 13) in the league... we'll see how it goes (we are currently 1st and Im the captain...) we'll c... Other than that not much more things to tell...
Hope u all have an excellent week!!!
PS: Another "fake" picture, where my brother Tito & I appear to have cooked a wonderful Paella, though it was really cooked by my uncle, still learning how to do a good one...