Still Alive!!!
Hey there!!!Sorry, dessole, ho sent, wǒ hěn yí hàn, lo siento!!!Really Really sorry for this tremeeeeeendously late reply... its been exactly 3 months and 1 days since my last update and that was still in 2007........ woow it has rained a lot (and snowed, well obviously not in Valencia but it has in other parts; I guess :-P)During these 3 past months, I have been with my Famille-Erasmus from Paris in Amsterdam, as I mentioned in my last update, I have turned 25 (yes 1/4 of my life already passed) Hey I do keep my health and sometimes (sometimes just) work out and undergo "dry-weekends", so adding the advances of science and life expectation, why not think I'll (We'll) reach 100 years old?I have failed (Yes I failed ooh nooo) my last exam before graduation... gotta re-sit beginning july, at least things are going good at Ford, where I not only do my Final Thesis, but another project I suggested, which is the development of a software application, anyway without getting into detail (as Im not an I.T. Engineer) my task is to understand the actual process and try to coordinate the requirements of the actual users with the specifications that the Analysts can perform... yeah yeah who's lost? haha anyway it is funnier than it sounds ;-)Other than that, 2 weeks ago we had Fallas celebration, where I had the visit of my friend Gonzalo from Madrid and the surprise visit of Fernando "Bacco" from Milan, (actually from Ascoli), the 3 of us stayed at Rita's house and Ana Villalba joined for one night, so in a way it was another Paris-Erasmus night however with sangría this time...Lastly I got the chance to go with my old friends Jose & Sergio "Tridis" to Norway during 5 days... that was an amaziiiing trip!!! Tell u more next update which wont be long!!Promise. I will post pictures thousands of pictures as soon as I understand how Picasa from other users sharing works...Now I must go to bed 23:55 and wake up at 6:30am yukk
Besos 2 Everybody!!!
Dear Friends,I wish you all the Very Best Wishes for the New Year we are entering, and hope that you are all enjoying these days of relax, joy and peace with Family and Friends.Have some laughs: Left to right: Jose, Alberto, me and Javi. Thank you Paula!!!Love,Angel
Mid November... COLD!!!
How's it going at that side of the World?
(This comment obviously implies that there's somebody else apart from my home country reading this blog hehe, I could be wrong though!)
Guess you all realized immediately, that the picture of my previous post, is fake... yes my friend Samuel L. Jackson is actually made of wax (heyy but nobody is perfect right?).
Im afraid there's not a lot of news to provide, as my life these days is reaaally dull (not boring eh!). I attended last week a 3 day seminar on Problem-Solving Techniques and this week I should apply my newly learned knowledge into practice, lots of work but motivated to do so!
Oh tonight the soccer team we made is playing against the team who is second (out of 13) in the league... we'll see how it goes (we are currently 1st and Im the captain...) we'll c... Other than that not much more things to tell...
Hope u all have an excellent week!!!
PS: Another "fake" picture, where my brother Tito & I appear to have cooked a wonderful Paella, though it was really cooked by my uncle, still learning how to do a good one...

1st Week of work
Does anyone feel like you should do something and plan when to start that activity and once you are all ready to begin, then suddenly you feel tired and some other job arises and you just postpone that activity? Well that's more or less what's happening with me these days when I'm ready to start updating my
blog. Wish I could promise that a new update is on its way but i just cant, as a very bad excuse comes into mind as soon as im sitting in front of the laptop. Im sorry for my declared fans (Jun & Valentina) and hopefully for my non-declared ones (if any).
Ill just give the new news for those of you who dont know it: I started last monday working for
Ford!!! In their factory in Valencia. There ill work on my Thesis and continue working until the 30th of june, Im so happy and job is great up to now!
Im posting a picture which is nearly 3 years old, when I went to NYC with Stefan (whom I met in Madrid 2 weekends ago), Cath (with whom I stayed at her place this summer in south-east France) and Sakiko (Sako no news from you whats up?).
More news to come soon, now im going to bed as it is already 23:10 and i wake up at 6:15 every day arghh! Besos
Vacation's Over!!!
Alright Alright, Im reaaaaally Sorry for this 3 month vacation... lots and lots of things to say, hundreds of pictures to post and never the time to do so...Its already fall, (well at least that's what the calendar says, today I already swam in the swimming pool after jogging) so as summer is/should-be over I gotta go back to the routine of showing the pictures of where Ive been and transmitting the witty remarks that happen every now and then. This could take time, so Im gonna start from the beginning of summer and work chronologically until today...But that would be on my next entry... hehe sorryyyy C u !Angel
Summer Holidays!!!
Hi Everybody how's it going???
I finally finished my Valencian exams, so Im at last enjoying my holidays!!! During the last 5 days my Canadian friend Vikram and his brother Ajay came to visit me, so we enjoyed nice relaxing days here. On friday night we went to a nice BBQ Restaurant in La Cañada, where we had the already traditional Argentinian Stake, on saturday we spent the day at the "playa", where I got burnt (yes having been inside my bedroom studying like a bunker, during the last weeks made me an easy target to the sun rays, mum said I was foolish as a rookie!), here is a picture of my buddy:

That night we went to the Port Americas's Cup with my Valencian friend Ana Baños and her bf from the States, Marti. (They both studied last year at MSU), following day I took them to the "Ciudad de las Artes y de las Ciencias" where they had a blast! Sunday my Grandma cooked a nice sea-food paella and that night we had Spanish Tortilla, monday we saw the Historical City and the Holy Grail and my Valencian friends from Paris: Ana (Happy BDAY!!) and Marita came to spend the evening home. At night Vik and Ajay cooked nice "Indian-Canadian-Italian food" which was Absolutely Yummy!

Afterwards, I took them to the beach just to chill there. It was a very Traditional Trip where I guess they got a total immersion into the culture of Valencia and Spain. (BTW I want your pics Vik!) Today I just took them to the airport and just had my hair cut. Now I need to give them back the visit, and someday I will hopefully be going to Toronto to their place!
On friday, Im flying back to Paris, there's lots of things I still need to do there. Ill be hanging around between Paris, probably London and Aix-en-Provence in the South of France, until the end of july, when I hope to be back here in Valencia, but dont worry Ill try to update my blog from Paris as much as I can!
Gros Bisous a tous!!
Paris Exams: Over!!!
From the sunny/windy/rainy/sunny again Paris, (all in the same day during the whole month):Sorry not only for the late update (which has become a good introduction to all my blog updates) but also for the late (in some cases really late) e-mail replies. Today I had a record 23 non-read Hotmail Emails (and those are just from people in my address file) and various other read ones which havent either been replied. Dont worry, I will try to find time to read and reply all of them (although looking at the subjects I guess some are already out of date) eg: Emails from Nicole, Stefan or Sayuri: Désolé de vous dire que j'ai pas encore lu votre e-mails concernant le RDV des amis ou le pique-nique sur le pont des arts...I just finished my last French Exam last wednesday (Ill tell u guys the story of that exam in a minute...) My daily routine these days (including saturdays, believe it or not) is to wake up at 8-8:30 go to the Cujas Library (just in between Sorbonne and the Pantheon for those of u who have been to that part of the Latin quarter), and revise for the 2 exams (Fical Management and Finance), I gotta take in Valencia in... JULY! 1 Month before!!! hehe yeah, and still I dont know if Ill pass them, cause I havent gone to class (I was obviously here in Paris) and I havent done any class-work or home-work for those 2 subjects (apparently the 2 most difficult subjects of my 5-year career). 7pm: Run for around 45minutes at the "Jardin de Luxembourg", with Gonzalo, and occasionally Blanca and Valentina, (new members still accepted). Spend time with Laura, Fernando (Tanti Auguri again!), Elena, Ana, Marita, Rita, Gonzalo, Simon, Aloma, Blanca, Stef, Ana BCN and Im not gonna continue cause Ill miss a name for sure (those are the ones Ive been seeing very oftenly over the past few days). 23h: Sleep as Im normally exhausted.Coming back to my last french exam; it was: "Politique Economique", a subject I really liked, it talked about International Mergers, the place of the EU etc, and the teacher was always very happy to see the 4 spanish guys sitting there, he discussed how well spanish companies had done over the last years in their Latin-American and European expansions. Anyway, I could tell that the teacher was glad to have us in his class. The problem comes that on the day of the exam, I was feeling very excited cause it was my last test in this ancient yet beautiful Sorbonne University, so I didnt quite read what the question was asking and went directly to answer it...The exam had 3 topics to develop, and was meant to be fulfilled in 1.5 hours, although initially the amphitheatre was reserved for 2h. I thought: Great 30minutes per question... and started very quickly answering the exam... I used up all the time, and when I was exiting the lecture hall, Ana and Rita (both from my University of Valencia) asked me what question had I chosen to answer... I thought they where kidding and smiled answering: "obviously the 3 of them"... what was my surprise, when I saw they insisted in the fact that we had to answer just 1 of them... My initial happiness turned dramatically into horror, when I glanced the question paper and read: "répondez une question des suivants..."So I went inside the amphi, and told the teacher that I had answered the 3 of them as opposed to just 1... his face was a real poem and implied something like: "Are u stupid or just pretend to be?!" and I quickly told him: "but I believe I have them all right!". He added: "Have u written u are Erasmus?" and I answered positively. He just turned around, and I left. What will happen? Bids are open: - He can fail me directly, which I would perfectly understand.
- Fail me and mark as: "Stupid student who after so many years hasnt yet learned that he must read the questions before answering, I sincerely doubt he has the level to graduate not only in the Sorbonne Paris 1 University but in any other serious place".
- Positively thinking: Give me more than the maximum (out of 20 points in France) so I could possibly get 60 out of 20, (300%) if I had the 3 right.
- Just read the first answer and give me a 10 out of 20 (Pass) I wouldnt regret this one to be honest.
I accept any comments or opinions ;-)Just to prove how late I am with everything, Im gonna attach some pictures from my family visit, before last Easter holiday, they where taken on the 1st of april (it is already 4th of june!!!), but I just passed them yesterday to my computer. Ive got tones of recent pictures which I will upload on the following days... (hopefully).
Cesar, Ivan, Mum and Victor in Front of Sacre-Coeur

Ivan (top) and Victor with Cesar both at the Hotel des Invalides, where Napoleon is buried.

In front of Notre Dame and the Seine River.